Thursday, June 05, 2008

VoteVets Bulletin


Dear Supporter,

Yesterday, along with officials from Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) and two Iraq and Afghanistan veterans who are battling the Department of Veterans Affairs for their disability claims, I attended a hearing and press conference with the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs, on issues regarding PTSD diagnosis and claims.

All of this came about because of the work and CREW did, to expose an email from a Temple, Texas VA administrator urging psychologists to diagnose veterans with "adjustment disorder" over PTSD, as a cost-cutting measure.

You can read about yesterday here and here.

Now, we need the Inspector General to expand its investigation into VA procedure, specifically focusing on how we treat those with mental injuries, including how they are diagnosed, why so many are having claims issues, and a pay bonus program that rewards administrators who quickly move veterans from VA care. You cannot imagine the number of stories I have heard, and others have heard, about veterans not getting the proper diagnosis. Even when they do get it, they have far too many problems getting their just disability payment.

SIGN OUR PETITION TO THE INSPECTOR GENERAL OF THE VA HERE brought two veterans - Kenneth Gumm and Will King - to Washington for one reason. Because we knew that the VA would attempt to brush over this problem, and we wanted Senators to know that what happened in Temple was not overblown, and not an isolated incident.

Thankfully, Senators on the committee did not let the VA off easily. Senators Daniel Akaka, Patty Murray, Jon Tester, and Bernard Sanders stood up for us, and asked the tough questions that needed to be asked, and cut right through the spin to get to the truth. For that, we veterans thank them.

Now it is time for even more accountability. It is time for the Inspector General to open up the entire case, and see just how widespread this issue is within the VA. Help us get to that goal.


Thank you for all of your support.


Jon Soltz
Iraq War Veteran

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